Devoted to the publication of the collegiate programmes of the UST College of Nursing, the Nursing Journal ensures the production of the college newspaper – Nursing Newsette, and annual organ, the Nursing Journal.
The Nursing Journal was first published in 1946 under the management of the college’s administration and faculty members. It was printed quarterly. By the 1980’s, the task was handed over to students of the College of Nursing. Since then, the journal has become a student-centered organ.
The Nursing Journal encourages the utilization and development of every nursing student’s talent in writing and in art. The assignments given to the members, that require time and task management, train them to become responsible and reliable students under the pressure of their chosen course. The publications of the newsette and the Nursing Journal serve as the highlights in the organization’s calendar.
As the official publication of the University of Santo Tomas College of Nursing, the Nursing Journal commits itself to the pursuit of truth and to the preservation, advancement, and transmission of knowledge in the Thomasian Nursing Community, as well as to the development of the many skills and abilities of the Thomasian Nursing Studentry, through the use and development of the many talents of the Thomasian Nursing Student Community in the journalistic, communication, visual, and literary arts.
Through a gradual process of continued improvement to be carried out by succeeding batches of the Nursing Journal Editorial Board, the Nursing Journal envisions itself as the bastion of information for the Thomasian Nursing Community, and as a recognized and respected publication not only for and by the Thomasian Nursing Community, but for the entire community of Nurses, Medical Practitioners, as well as for the international academic community.